
I choose 23 pieces of my art work that I have done in this class and wrote a couple sentences about the. I enjoyed working on the computers and learning more each and every day. Getting to know how to fix and edit pictures are cool, because you never know i may need this sometime down the road in my future.



animated GIF 3

This is my work to replace my animated GIF 3. I am attending a fishing tournament this weekend this is what gave me the idea to use this as a advertisement. I enjoy fishing, and i used my logo and just animated this. This logo represents me in so many ways.


1st part of final exam

While creating this photo i figured the face would look just right in black and white. I got a black and white farm picture. I used my cloning tool, blur erase tool, and my brush tool. I cloned the name of the artist out the picture.


3-d animated gift



I choose to use texas tornado as a word because i love the song and i was able to move the text as a tornado. I used shine because in the south we usually have sun shine. Last but not least i used the word cancer with ribbons because my dad has been fighting cancer for the last past year.

last-3d work-cancer SHINE

3d logo art

I did this logo because i like to hunt and fish. I use 270 that is what kind of gun this is. I also love the color blue and green. I had to add a  background so i used my brush tool.


3D animations


I chose to use these designs because I’m a southern girl and i like rodeos. I also chose cancer because my dad has cancer, so i researched all the cancers well a few of them. I also just started using brushes and it looked like cells so i used the word cell and put it in 3-D.










I choose tho do this with Donnell because he is like my brother. I love being able to have hands on in this class. He really helped me create this. Thanks to Alea for taking my photos for me.


eye makeup

I choose to do these colors because they are some of my favorite. I also used images to overlay that would go good and blend with the colors i have chosen. I struggled a little, but this also shows you never know what someone see’s or what are going on behind there smile.

